Mom made a great Ssssnake birthday cake for Payton. |
Today is Payton's 7th birthday, but he had his party yesterday. A few of his friends came over for some fun, games and of course, cake and ice cream. Payton received a much needed new bicycle. A 20" 6-speeder. He was way to big for his old bike. It was kind of funny watching him ride it. His new bike fits him well. He likes switching gears and the hand brakes. He also got a huge Transformer Bumblebee wall decal and some smaller ones as well. We put these up in his closet since his closet is his private little playroom.
Seven years old. I read a phrase somewhere, "The days are long, but the years are short." Oh how true this is. Happy birthday son.
Payton, his friends and of course his little brother - his best friend. |
Bumblebee keeps an protective eye on Payton. Prime eyes all who enter the playroom. |
Payton was just plain tuckered out by the end of the day. |