Saturday, April 26, 2008

My First Blog Posting!

Stanton has now trained me on how to post to our Blog. You've all heard by now the news that we are having a baby boy. We are all very happy. Stanton, of course, is relieved we are having a boy. I think he was sweating out the thought of having to figure out little girl clothes, bows, pony tails, etc. Never mind the boyfriend thing years down the road. I am just happy he (the baby, not Stanton) looks completely healthy and is moving around very actively. We will have to watch my progress for Placenta Previa. Right now my placenta is sitting low. That could very well change over the next couple months, but if it doesn't we will have to have a C-Section and I will have to scale back on exercise.

Stanton unfortunately missed the ultrasound since Payton came down sick at school. The doctor here was very thorough. She checked him out head to toe. He was moving around like a jumping bean through the whole thing. Frankly, even if I had not wanted to know what we were having, the Ultrasound picture was so clear that we were having a boy I couldn't have helped knowing unless I just didn't look at the screen. Unlike my previous visit, the doctor did not scold me on my weight, thank god. I have been very careful to not eat junk and to exercise. At least up until this terrible cold that I caught on my trip to the US.

We are still all sick, but on the recovering side. Stanton was the last to get ill and spent just about all day yesterday laying on the couch. He seems to have gotten the weakest version of all of us. Payton is recovering too, but I think we will both have lingering coughs for a little while.

It's a beautiful spring weekend here in Neuchâtel. Tomorrow we have plans to go to a brunch and bike ride with the Parents club from Payton's school. I think we should all be feeling well enough to at least attend the brunch and maybe just join in a small part of the ride. The fresh air will be good for us and Payton is starting to climb the walls since he has been home from school since Tuesday.

Miss you all,

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